The Connection

The Connection includes important news, as well as notices we are contractually required to communicate to you, including updates to our:

  • Medication policies
  • Reminders about medical and reimbursement policies
  • Pre-authorization lists

It is published in February, April, June, August, October and December.

In addition to our newsletter, we also publish changes to our medical policies monthly in The Bulletin.

Dentists and dental professionals: Visit for news and announcements.

Read the notification (PDF) mailed to participating medical and dental providers in February announcing the annual publication schedule. Other health care professionals or facilities who join Asuris later in the year will receive information about our newsletters in their welcome packets.

The Connection supports our sustainability efforts and allows us to deliver timely communications to you. You can easily select, read and print the articles that impact your office.


Subscribe to receive issues of our newsletter, bulletin or other general communications via email.




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