Your health is the most important asset you have. We understand you want to choose a Medicare carrier that has the knowledge, experience and tools to help you stay healthy.
Asuris TruAdvantage PPO plans offer more benefits than original Medicare, such as preventive dental, routine eye exams, routine hearing exams and aids, and the Silver&Fit® program, all wrapped into one easy-to-use plan. Our PPO + Rx plan includes prescription drug coverage with mail-order options.
- $0 medical deductible
- Freedom to see any provider in the United States without a referral*
- All plans include preventive and comprehensive dental, routine vision, and routine hearing exams.
- Coverage beyond Original Medicare that includes an annual physical exam and routine hearing exams and hearing aids
- Worldwide coverage for urgent or emergency care**
- The Silver&Fit® program–Access to thousands of participating standard fitness center locations and Premium Fitness Network choices nationwide - find a location near you. Plus, 1-on-1 health coaching by phone and online exercise classes***
- No cost meals for post-hospital or nursing facility stay
- Palliative care and support
- Telehealth appointments – anytime, anywhere phone or video access to a board-certified doctor or psychiatrist
- Advice24 has registered nurses available 24/7 to answer health questions, assess symptoms and recommend care
- In-home health visits with a doctor, including a summary of your results you can share with your primary care doctor at your next visit
24-hour access to your benefits and claims. You can find a doctor, research medications, or chat with a customer service professional. Use our online wellness center to access self-guided health programs and track your health stats
*Please use the searchable directory on the Silver&Fit website or call 1-888-797-8086 to see if your location participates in the program.
**To qualify for chronic condition nutritional support, you must have one or more medically complex chronic conditions. Participation in the health plan's care management program is required. This benefit is a part of a special supplemental program for the chronically ill. Not all members qualify.
Last updated 10/01/2024