November 2018
This year, lawmakers in Washington passed a bill that makes it more convenient and cost-effective for you and your employees to manage reproductive health issues. Here's a summary of how this law impacts our plans starting Jan. 1, 2019:
Senate Bill (SB) 6219 now requires insurance plans that offer maternity coverage to also offer coverage for contraception, vasectomy and abortion services. Therefore, our fully insured and non-ERISA plans will include some significant additions beginning Jan. 1, 2019. These include waived deductibles and 0% member cost-shares on in-network medical services and contraceptive drugs, devices and products that were previously identified as non-ACA compliant. There will be additional coverage for over-the-counter contraceptive drugs, devices and products, with no limit on supply when purchased at participating pharmacies and submitted for reimbursement via a claim.
We're confident these plan updates will help support your employees' health as it relates not only to reproduction, but also overall.
Questions? Please contact your producer or Asuris account executive