November 14, 2023
Colorectal cancer, a slow-growing form of cancer that usually strikes older adults, can be detected early, when treatment is likely to work best. Screening, which can be done through a colonoscopy or a fecal blood test, is an effective way to detect colon cancer. Most of our plans cover screening at 100% as an in-network preventive procedure for employees 45+.
Colorectal cancer screening rates remain low. According to an article published by Cedars-Sinai, American Cancer Society research shows cancers of the colon and rectum are the second-most common cancers among the Latinx community. Yet nationally, screening rates are significantly lower for Latinx compared to the white non-Latinx population. This disparity holds true for our Latinx members locally, where the screening rate is only 39%, compared to 51% for whites—12 points higher.
To help your employees age 45+ understand the importance of colon cancer screenings, please share the colorectal cancer guide and video (both available in English and Spanish), and encourage those eligible to take advantage of their covered colon cancer screening benefit.
Guide to understanding colorectal cancer
Video: Colon cancer screening
Some plans may have limitations or may not cover all services. For a full list of all other covered no-cost in-network preventive services, please visit
If your employees have any questions, they can check their benefits by signing in to their member account on or calling Customer Service at the number on the back of their member ID card.
Questions? Please contact your account representative.