Effective programs for employees of ASO groups

October 20, 2020

All of our self-funded employer groups rely on our professional eligibility and claims administration, along with high-quality clinical services and solid provider networks that offer savings through deep discounts. Central to our ASO offerings are the Asuris Preferred Network and the MultiPlan national network, making them ideal for groups whose members live in rural areas or travel frequently.

As an effective steward of your health care dollars, we offer optional programs to help improve your employees’ well-being and productivity—as well as your bottom line. Among those most sought after are telehealth, pharmacy and care management. Please read on and contact your producer or Asuris account executive to learn more.

Telehealth: Now more than ever, virtual care is the must-have way for your employees to get the primary and behavioral care they need from the comfort of home or anywhere. With Asuris virtual care options, your employees have the flexibility to visit with a provider via phone, video or secure chat—24/7/365—from anywhere. Telehealth is convenient, fast and easy, with shorter wait times than in-person care. And it encourages employees to be proactive about seeking care for common health concerns when and where they need it, while exercising important social distancing precautions.

You may have added temporary benefits to expand virtual services during the COVID-19 emergency. To extend these measures through the end of your current plan year, please respond to the Continued Extension of COVID Benefits letter recently sent by Oct. 31, 2020. To extend these measures upon renewal, please contact your account executive.

Pharmacy: Beyond offering comprehensive support that helps employees access the right care and medications at the right time, integrating Asuris medical and pharmacy benefits results in substantial savings for you and your employees: an average of $148 per member per year (PMPY) in total medical costs. In addition, we can help with options for formularies, networks, infusion therapies and transparency tools that guide your employees to treatments in the appropriate settings—resulting in fewer hospitalizations and less ER use while helping you manage your bottom line.

Care Management: Care management is a comprehensive program that pairs members who have high claims costs, ER utilization and readmissions with a nurse to provide specialized behavioral, acute, complex, chronic condition and palliative care support for more than 50 conditions. Care Management Plus, for groups of 1,000+, is a new enhancement added for 2021. Providing extra support for employees facing serious health challenges and chronic conditions, Care Management Plus adds dedicated nurse outreach and interventions, and specialty care team guidance that can deliver healthier outcomes and reduced costs.

Additional optional programs for helping ASO groups elevate their employee experience include a range of solutions for utilization management, well-being and productivity, financial strategies and much more. For more information, please contact your producer or Asuris account executive.